Monday 10 March 2014

The Holiday Season

Pepper loves the snow… I'm not the biggest fan.

Maeve wearing the cardigan that I made her for Christmas

Maxwell - Jordan's 'mini me'

Here in the United States, as American as it sounds - you don't just have 'Christmas.'
You have the holiday season. Why? Because a series of holidays begin in October. First you have Halloween, then Thanksgiving 4 weeks later; Christmas 4 weeks after that. It's basically 3 months of forward planning. You have to. You hit one occasion and then before you have time to put up a Christmas tree, it's already too late.

We spent some time with family over Christmas. Tim and Nancy came to visit from Colorado, and then Ryan, Shelby, Max and Wesley paid us a visit from Arizona. It was also nice to start some new traditions with Jordan, as it was our first Christmas in our own place.

Here is a video that Shelby made over Christmas. It pretty much sums up the whole experience. Jordan's family have a tradition of going bowling on New Years Day, so there's some footage of that and also when we find out that we're having a girl!

- Alice

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